Experiment Tracking with Weights & Biases


In this tutorial, we show how to set up experiment tracking via Weights & Biases on Neuro Platform using Neuro Project Template.

Creating a Neuro Project

First, make sure that you have the Neu.ro CLI client and cookiecutter installed and configured:

$ pip install pipx
$ pipx install neuro-all cookiecutter
$ neuro login

Then, initialize an empty project:

$ cookiecutter gh:neuro-inc/cookiecutter-neuro-project --checkout release

Connecting Weights & Biases

Now, connect your project with Weights & Biases:

  1. Find your API key (it is also called a token) on W&B’s settings page(section “API keys”). It should be a sequence like cf23df2207d99a74fbe169e3eba035e633b65d94.

  2. Save your API key (token) to a file in your local home directory ~ and protect it by setting appropriate permissions to make W&B available on Neu.ro platform:

export WANDB_SECRET_FILE=wandb-token.txt
echo "cf23df2207d99a74fbe169e3eba035e633b65d94" > ~/$WANDB_SECRET_FILE
chmod 600 ~/$WANDB_SECRET_FILE

After that, create a Neu.ro secret:

$ neuro secret add wandb-token @~/$WANDB_SECRET_FILE

Open .neuro/live.yaml, find remote_debug section within jobs in it and add the following lines at the end of remote_debug:

     additional_env_vars: '{"WANDB_API_KEY": "secret:wandb-token"}'

Now, you can start using W&B API in your code.


Change default preset to cpu-small in .neuro/live.yamlto avoid consuming GPU for this test:

  preset: cpu-small

Run a development job and connect to the job's shell:

$ neuro-flow run remote_debug

In your job's shell, try to use wandb:

wandb status

You should see something like the following:

Logged in? True
Current Settings
  "anonymous": "false",
  "base_url": "https://api.wandb.ai",
  "entity": null,
  "git_remote": "origin",
  "ignore_globs": [],
  "project": null,
  "run": "latest",
  "section": "default"

You can also find more examples on how to use experiment tracking and other features of W&B in the official W&B's examples repo.

To close the remote terminal session, press ^D or type exit.

Please don't forget to terminate your job when you don't need it anymore:

$ neuro-flow kill remote_debug

Last updated